There are many scholarships and bursaries that students can apply for. Come to Guidance if you ever have any questions or concerns, and below are several places that you can turn to for more information.


Students can learn about scholarship opportunities by:

* listening to CCI am (morning announcements)

* checking the Google Classroom (students)

* checking individual websites of post-secondary institutions

CCI Awards, Bursaries & Scholarships Guide 2024-2025

Western National Scholarship Program 2024:

Students interested in applying to Western and have an average over 90% with Distinction should consider. Applications will be available in mid-November. 

Western National Scholarship Program

Indigenous Awards/Bursaries and Scholarship Resources:

Inspire Bursaries and Scholarships
Metis Nation of Ontario Bursaries and Scholarships
Government of Canada Post Secondary Student Support Program
OSAP Indigenous Student Bursary
Government of Ontario Post Secondary Education
Twin Lakes Secondary School resource

University Of Toronto- National Book Award

Are you going to U of T? Do you want to apply to the Book AWARD/ National Award Scholarship?

Eligibility Criteria
National Book Award recipients are students who demonstrate superior academic performance, original and creative thought, and exceptional achievement in a broad context. They excel in academic pursuits, demonstrate enthusiasm for intellectual exploration and have a strong involvement in the lives of their schools and communities. The nominee must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, intending to begin university study in September 2025.

Award Value
Award recipients receive a National Book Award recognizing their
achievements, and as a symbol of their academic potential. It is a
non-monetary award. It is an actual book, which includes a personalized inscription. The National Book Award will be sent to your school in May, for presentation to the student at their secondary school graduation or awards ceremony at the end of the school year.

What to Do Next:
The deadline for our school to submit our nominee is Oct. 10th. Please complete a 1 page point form application outlining why you are the deserving student.

This is due Thursday Sept. 26th at 2:15pm. Please drop off applications to Mr. Wallace in Guidance. If you have any questions please come and see Mr. Wallace.


National Scholarship

Loran Scholarship

Are you a graduating student who demonstrates personal integrity, leadership, community service, and a sense of direction? Applications for the Loran Award are now open. This is a very valuable scholarship. Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024 is the due date. If you wish for someone to be a reference, you need to give them time to complete a letter if required.

How to Apply

Press Release


To be eligible for the Loran Award, a student must:
● Be graduating from high school or CEGEP in 2025. Students who graduated in 2024 and are currently taking a gap year are also eligible to apply.
● Present a minimum cumulative average of 85% or an R score of 29 in Quebec.
● Hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.
● Born between January 1, 2003 & September 1, 2009.


Kin Canada Bursaries

Attention graduating high school students or those pursuing post-secondary education at a recognized university, community college, technical institute and other schools for advanced education. The Kinette Club of Wasaga Beach, along with the Kin Canada association is proud to offer a chance for local students, studying at the post-secondary level to apply for Kin Canada Bursary. 

Students attending a recognized post-secondary institution during the 2025-2026 school year are encouraged to apply for a $1,000 bursary.


Since its inception in 1994, $1,400,000 has been awarded to students across Canada!


Find out more at the following website:


More information and application forms can be found at:


Each Kin club across Canada will select one local application to forward to the National Kin Canada Bursaries Committee, who will then make the final selection. Deadline for submissions is February 1, 2025.


CCI Awards, Scholarship & Bursary Application


CCI Awards, Scholarship & Bursary application form is now closed for the 2023/24 school year.